Waiver and Liability Disclaimer
PAYMENT INFORMATION: Enrollment is limited. Spaces are reserved on a first-come first-served basis upon receipt of a completed application and a 50% deposit. All balances are due first day of your group's programming and activities. Adding additional program days and weeks after application is submitted, if space allows, will not result in any retroactive discount for weeks already enrolled or attended. Because of limited time slots available, we request that you cancel at least 14 days before your scheduled session. This will allow us to offer your spot to another participant/group. You may call us at 646-494-6362 between the hours of 8am-5pm to cancel. Cancellations or reschedules must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations made within 48 hours will incur the 50% deposit fees. There are no "makeups" for absences and missed sessions.
Weather policy: Sessions may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather. We will be diligent to notify parents within 12 hours of scheduled session. Tennis camp will be moved indoors to a Southampton high school gymnasium, and program will proceed as usual. No refunds or makeups.
If you are a parent and hosting, or planning to host your group, please sign both.
LIABILITY WAIVER, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE AND OTHER TERMS: By agreeing to the Disclaimer & Waiver, I agree that I am the parent or legal guardian of ________________ participant and hereby give permission for him/her to participate in the Mimpify VIP Campers program. I agree to abide by all program rules and regulations, which now exist or which may be hereafter adopted or amended by Mimpify VIP Campers, including providing Mimpify VIP Campers with medical forms and records of immunization upon request. I agree to leave my child under the effective supervision of the host parent/guardian during program operation. I further acknowledge and assume risks of the dangers in participating in tennis, sports and other program activities. I fully understand that liability for any harms suffered by any and all participants during program operation falls under the responsibility of the host parent/guardian. Mimpify, VIP Campers, staff and volunteers, shall not be liable for any personal injuries, property theft or damage, or other loss sustained by my child, off, on or about the premises where Mimpify VIP Campers programs are conducted throughout the entire duration, or arising out of the use of any facilities, equipment or other property on site or of Mimpify VIP Campers, even though that liability may arise out of perceived negligence on the part of persons mentioned above. I hereby further declare my child to be physically sound and suffering from no conditions, impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would prevent his/her participation in Mimpify VIP Campers program, services and activities. Due to the nature of the program, the host parent/guardian must always be within reach on premises in case of accident or injury to my child. And if an emergency contact person cannot be reached, I grant Mimpify VIP Campers permission to obtain medical attention for my child, if necessary, for which I will be financially responsible. Mimpify VIP Campers reserves the right to cancel this contract at any time, at its sole discretion; in such event Mimpify VIP Campers’ sole liability shall be a refund for unused program days. I understand and agree that Mimpify VIP Campers retains the rights to any photographs or video taken of the named participant at throughout the duration of program of Mimpify VIP Campers to be used for Mimpify VIP Campers' publicity, marketing, social media and advertising.
LIABILITY WAIVER, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE AND OTHER TERMS: By agreeing to the Disclaimer and Waiver, I agree that I am the parent or legal guardian of ___________________ and hereby give permission for him/her to participate in the Mimpify VIP Campers program. We agree to abide by all program rules and regulations, which now exist or which may be hereafter adopted or amended by Mimpify VIP Campers, including providing Mimpify VIP Campers with medical forms and records of immunization upon request. I agree to physically remain on my property and effectively surpervise throughout duration of program as the host parent/guardian. I further acknowledge and assume risks of the dangers in participating in tennis, sports and other program activities. As host parent/guardian, I agree to ensure premises used for Mimpify VIP Campers' program and activities will be maintained in good condition and free of any hazardous elements such as holes in ground, standing water or puddles, sharp tools and equipment, etc. As host parent/guardian, I expressly assume liability for harms suffered by any and all participants on my property throughout the duration of program and activities. Mimpify VIP Campers, staff and volunteers, shall not be liable for any personal injuries, property theft or damage, or other loss sustained by my child, off, on or about the premises where Mimpify VIP Campers programs are conducted throughout the entire duration, or arising out of the use of any facilities, equipment or other property on site or of Mimpify VIP Campers, even though that liability may arise out of perceived negligence on the part of persons mentioned above. I hereby further declare my child to be physically sound and suffering from no conditions, impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would prevent his/her participation in Mimpify VIP Campers program, services and activities. Due to the nature of the program, the host parent/guardian must always be within reach on premises in case of accident or injury to my child. And if an emergency contact person cannot be reached, I grant Mimpify VIP Campers permission to obtain medical attention for my child, if necessary, for which I will be financially responsible. Mimpify VIP Campers reserves the right to cancel this contract at any time, at its sole discretion; in such event VIP Campers’ sole liability shall be a refund for unused camp days. I understand and agree that Mimpify VIP Campers retains the rights to any photographs or video taken of the named participant at throughout the duration of program of Mimpify VIP Campers to be used for Mimpify VIP Campers publicity, marketing, social media and advertising.
Initials required
____________ Sunscreen Application: Parents/guardian of child shall be in charge of assisting child with the application of sunscreen before and/or throughout the duration of scheduled programming if the child requests assistance.
____________ Insect Repellant: Parents/guardian of child shall be in charge of assisting child with the application of insect repellant as needed before and/or throughout the duration of scheduled programming if the child requests assistance.